Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow Day

Mommy had another snow day today.  It is nice that she gets to stay home with us but she is sad that it is cutting in to our summer fun.  I am wishing for sun soon.
Just relaxing on the bean bag with my feet up.Enoying Stuart Little while sitting in the rocking chair.

The Shirt Says It All

My Big Brother is a Shark!

Going for a Ride

Daddy is pulling me in a little wagon that I got when I was born.  I thought it was pretty fun.  When he was done pulling me I just sat there waiting to be pulled more.

Mr. Clean

My new favorite thing to do is vacuum and mop the floor.  If mommy gets the vacuum out I run for it and chase her down until I catch her so I can help.  I'm must say I'm pretty good at cleaning.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who's Who?

Worn Out

I have been sleeping in my own bed for naps and at night time now for a couple of months.  I'm doing pretty well but sometimes still cry for a few minutes right when mommy or daddy put me down.  I really like to snuggle with them instead of laying in my own bed.  I'm sure I will get use to it soon.  I do love my giraffe pillow and blanket though.  They are my snuggle buddies in my bed.

Cute Buns

Mommy was changing my diaper and realized that we were out of diapers.  She had to put me down to get more out of my closet.  I decided to check out the backyard and see what the dogs were barking at.